

The German Specialists in Developing and Managing Theming projects
for Zoos, Aquariums, Leisure-parcs, Holiday-centers, Hotels, Aquatic centers and pools.
/*Gallery Zoo Rabat*/ /*Gallery Eismeer*/ /*Gallery Kanguruh*/ /*Gallery Cinema Walabi*/ /*Gallery Pool Avoriaz*/ /*Gallery SLC Sidney*/ /*Gallery SLC Manly*/ /*Gallery SLC Underwater World*/ /*Gallery Huracan*/ /*Gallery Heidepark Konferenzraum*/ /*Gallery Onager*/ /*Gallery Toverland*/ /*Gallery Wingcoaster*/ /*Gallery Port Royal*/ /*Gallery Europapark*/ /*Gallery Noderstedt*/ /*Gallery Holzbau*/ /*Gallery Känguru*/ /*Gallery Schönbrunn*/ /*Gallery Eismeer planning*/ /*Gallery Onager planning*/ /*Gallery Sydney zoo*/ /*Gallery Sydney Aquarium*/ /*Gallery Underwater World*/ /*Gallery Zoo Shop*/ /*Nebeneingang*/ /*Center Parcs Vienne*/ /*Gallery Aviary zoo east France*/ /*Gallery South-east China zoo*/ /*Gallery Center Parcs Vienne news*/ /*Gallery Center Parcs Vienne models*/ /*Gallery Concept study for German company in west Africa*/ /*Gallery Concept study for Aquarium south of France*/ /*Gallery Parc Astérix - Discobélix*/ /*Gallery Rapid River repair Center Parcs Vienne*/ /*Gallery Water Slide Center Parcs Vienne*/ /*Gallery Water Slide Center Parcs Vienne*/ /*Gallery Center Parcs Allgäu*/ /*Gallery Aviary Zoo Besançon, France*/ /*Gallery Cave restaurant*/ /*Gallery Parc Héria*/ /*Gallery Giant insects*/ /*Gallery Zoo Lyon*/ /*Gallery Tropino Tropical Islands*/ /*Gallery Wayang Tropical Islands*/


...is the basis of every building project. A good design considers all the relevant disciplines that pertain to any physical structure, because the result needs to convince visually as well as in its daily use. In a variety of projects of all shapes and sizes, we’ve acquired extensive knowledge on this sector, which we would like to apply to your project.

The range of services we offer to our clients in terms of Planning Design is:

  • Concept planning
  • Execution planning
  • Themed Concepts
  • Integration of planning aspects into the design concept
  • Model making
  • Artistic supervision


...to us means an experience spanning 8 years, acquired in 12 different countries around the world. We’ve gathered important knowledge of various techniques, such as carved concrete, wood-cladding, fiberglass theme constructions and the installation of specialized tiles. We also offer the capacity of handling projects in five different languages: English, German, French, Spanish and Portuguese. Our main activity focuses on Zoos, Aquariums, Leisure Parks, Holiday Centers, Hotels, Aquatic Centers and Pools.

The range of services we offer to our clients in terms of Project Management includes:

  • Supervision of work + technical aspects (regarding quality, design, measurement, schedules...)
  • Financial/Analytical management (budget monitoring, cash flow monitoring...)
  • Establishment of schedules and time tables
  • Relation between Client/Suppliers and Subcontractors
  • Coordination between Client and Contractors
  • Management of Human Resources of Artist Teams + Work Force


...is the way we rely on all our potential and knowledge to advise and stand by our clients throughout their projects, always keeping in mind objectivity and confidentiality.

The different missions handled by us are:

  • Recommandation of sub-contractors or suppliers
  • Sharing our important technic and artistic expertise
  • The Following-Up on the Implementation/Execution of Works, using our Acquired Knowledge
  • The Reviewing/Preparation of Scope of Works and Contracts
  • Diagnostics
  • The Organization/Sequencing of Work Steps
  • Advising clients about different Theming Opportunities


For ideas, there are no limits.


Considerable experience in managing projects worldwide.
*Copyright Theming And Animatronics Industries SA - permission granted by Theming And Animatronics Industries SA to publish picture


Partners in business, as well as in life.

Sina & Christophe Batista

Sina is a native German, born in Hamburg in 1984. Since 2004, she has been involved in themed building projects such as pools, spas and zoos. Nevertheless, her personal focus throughout this time has been on zoological projects. Several of these zoo projects, she managed from the first lines put to paper to the moving in of the animals. In early 2013, she received her Master of Arts Degree in Architecture.

Christophe is a native Frenchman, born in 1983 in Besançon, and has been working as a theming consultant and project manager for ten years worldwide. He obtained a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering at Besançon University (France) in 2008, as well as a course in ISO 9001 Quality Norms training as "Quality Leader" in 2008. He speaks five languages, including French (native), English, Spanish, Portuguese, and German, as well as a few words of Arabic (Morocco), as well as Romanian.


What we are currently doing.


Established in Norderstedt, Northern Germany.
On may 2018, we moved to our new office in Lohe 11, 22848 Norderstedt. Our workplace is located in a beautiful old farm house from 1820.

You can easily reach us by plane, Hamburg Airport (HAM) and on the "U-Bahn" to "Garstedt" station. If you prefer to travel by car, Norderstedt is reached by the A7 motorway.


We met through our various projects specialists and professionals we can trust and rely on to bring an important support and knowledge to our work. A specific project needs specific skills that we are able to provide because of our huge contact notebook.


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Lohe 11 · 22848 Norderstedt · Germany
Phon: +49 (0) 40 7566 3495
Handy: +49 (0) 151 4181 3181
Umsatzsteuer Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27a:
Steuer-Nr.: 46/014/02284
Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß §10 Absatz 3 MDStV:
Christophe Batista (Anschrift wie oben)
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